Thursday, November 4, 2010


Schprid gets excited when we talk about getting food. Often, when trying something she's unfamiliar with, she will take a bite and then either spit it out or say a very enthusiastic, "Mmmm!" and dig in for more.

Yesterday, just after her Daddy came home, we were all sitting in at the computer and talking. Finally, he mentioned dinner and I agreed it would be a good idea. He turned to Schprid and asked her if she wanted food. She got as excited as a little one-year-old body can convey, almost jumping for joy, really. Then she turned and headed for the kitchen. That reaction had both us old people laughing. It's wonderful how excited a child can get!

But the story doesn't end there. Schprid, not wanting to arrive in the kitchen alone, kept her head turned to watch us and make sure we were really coming to get her food. She kept walking but, alas! she had miscalculated when heading for the door of the bedroom. She headed instead straight for the nightstand. I told her to watch out, but she didn't understand. She ran straight into it, rebounded, fell backwards onto her hiney, and didn't cry, which made us old people laugh even harder.

The story ends happily. Daddy picked her up, we all had a great time laughing down the hallway, and eventually we made it to the kitchen where Schprid had the best yogurt of all time.

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