Friday, November 12, 2010

Finish This!

Okay creative people! Let's play a game. I'm going to write a sentence, and I want you to finish it. You can either post your entry in a comment or send it to me in an email at All entries are welcome, as long as it's clean. Length does not matter. Content does not matter. Tomorrow, I'll post the winner (aka my favorite), along with my finished product. The winner gets 50 points.**

Today's sentence is:

The clouds seemed to come together in odd formations, filling the mind with thoughts of...

Good luck!!!

**Please note that points are not redeemable for anything at any time, and are used for the sole purpose of fun, frivolity, and perhaps boosting one's self-esteem.


Anonymous said...

...dropped ice cream cones, spilled milkshakes, rained on cotton candy and other tragically ended summertime treats.

Lynn said...

wayward sheep, gamboling about, wandering down whatever path looks good at the moment, while Mershema, the lovely shepherd girl, tries to keep track of all of them, for her task is to bring them all safely to the fold at the end of the day.

WV: mershema!

Lynn said...

I'm posting a link on facebook--will you give it partway through Saturday in case some of my friends comment?

WV: thalegat: Bugs all I got folks.

Cameron said...


Ronnie said...

wild horses, invigorated by the crisp fall air, racing across the barren mountaintop.

(had to throw in today's WV, especially cause I love Lynn's so much: sucke - French for "this is so lame.")