Saturday, November 13, 2010

And the Winner Is...

The clouds seemed to come together in odd formations, filling the mind with thoughts of...

Ronnie! She gave us this gem:

...wild horses, invigorated by the crisp fall air, racing across the barren mountaintop.

Congrats, Ronnie! You are the proud new owner of 50 points! Treasure them well, my friend, treasure them well.

Honorable mention goes to Cameron, who piped up with this entry:


It made me laugh. And Hubby liked it best.

My entry is this:

...tomorrows, of yesterdays, of half-formed dreams, of joys and dangers yet unimagined.

Thanks to all who participated! I had fun seeing your entries, and we'll probably do this again sometime soon!


Ronnie said...

I totally cheated. I knew all I had to do was mention horses and the 50 point prize was all but mine.


Chels said...

Ah, you know me well. In all fairness, though, Hubby liked yours a lot, too. It came down to yours and Cameron's, in both our estimation. The horses did push you over the edge, though!