Monday, November 22, 2010

Halloween Pictures- Finally!

So I don't have a lot of pictures, but the ones I do have are kinda fun. I figured I should probably get Halloween's pictures up before we head out for Thanksgiving. So, here we go. Enjoy!

This one, obviously, is Hubby and Schprid. Note the roll in her hand. We had just eaten dinner at the ward activity, and she was entranced by all the weird people wandering around. She was too interested to be able to eat much. However in this picture, they were standing right by the food table, and she's very interested in the possibilities. Little does she know what awaits her outside- Trick or Treating!

Here they are, about to head out. Note that she still has a very firm hold on her roll. (She's an M&M, in case it's hard to make out in the pictures!)

And here is Hubby, looking about as sexy as I've ever seen him. I mean, he always looks good, but there's something about the casual stance, the loose tie, the scruff, the hat, the slight smile... Mmm.

And here I am... oh, wait. No, I'm not. We forgot to get pictures of me. That's okay, really. When all is said and done, a pregnant pirate just isn't that cool. We'll get better pictures next year.
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1 comment:

Lynn said...

I think a pregnant pirate is very cool. There were several famous women pirates.

WV: ecalis--some kind of skin disease