Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Finish This!

The last time we played this game was so much fun that I decided to do another one! Anybody who reads, writes, or breathes is welcome to play, and the more the merrier!

The Rules:

For today's game, each entry must be at least 3 sentences long. It can have any content (please keep it clean!) and it can definitely be longer than 3 sentences. The game will run until Thursday at noon, at which time a winner will be chosen. If you want to play but don't want your comment shown, feel free to email me at missjedi@gmail.com. If you want to play but don't want anybody to read your entry, feel free to copy my lead-in to a word document and type away. But we want to read your entries. Just so you know.

Today's lead-in:

I had seen it's like before, though rarely, and never quite like this. It was black...

Have fun!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I had seen it's like before, though rarely, and never quite like this. It was black...

but not quite black, more of a dark brown, so dark that you had to really study it to see that it was black. It was vinyl, but looked so close to leather that it was hard to believe it was really vinyl. It defied decor, as nothing matched this hand-me-down loveseat, but my husband loved it so we kept it.

WV: heacer--I have no idea but maybe it's a heater on the blink, a cross between a heater and an icer. I know! It's the thermostat that runs both furnace and A/C.