Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cute Schprid Pictures

Hi. I'm a proud, gushing Mommy. I don't have a lot of room in my wallet, nor do I get out of the house much. Hence, we're showing Schprid pictures online where everyone can see them. Bon Apetit!

Enjoying Strawberry Shortcake.

Said Strawberry Shortcake. (I realize this is not Schprid. I just liked the picture.)

Schprid being comepletely adorable.


Ever seen a snake unhinge its mouth to get food? I'm pretty sure it looks something like this.


Lynn said...

I especially like the top picture.

Chels said...

Really? I would not have picked that one as a favorite. I really like the middle one and the last one, though.

Cameron said...

Definitely the middle one. I love those blue eyes.

Lynn said...

In the top one she is so natural, and so expressively full of life. I like her hair thingie too...oh wait, that's a doorknob. Just teasing but that might be fun to photoshop out.

Word Verification: sherideh

all I can think of is making fun of my sister. Shari---duh!

of course I outgrew that long ago and I love admire and respect her as an adult.