I realized the gold and green flowers may seem like an odd choice with the red curtains, but I actually have some hanging stars that are red, green, and gold, so it works quite well, actually.
The only thing I have issues with in this room, now, is that there isn't really a clear focal point. See, the curtains are a heavy color and take a lot of attention, but I don't want them to be the focal point. There's also the table in the middle of the room, the corner where we put all our family pictures, the big wall where the artistic pictures are hung... I may need help really finishing this room. Still, it's better than it was. At least it no longer looks naked. :)
They look great! If only you lived in Houston...I really need help with something like this for my kitchen window.
They were actually really easy. Do you sew at all?
Very cute. And I love the gold/green bows. They lighten it up and are complementary to the red.
A tablecloth with a centerpiece or table runner might be a cool tie-in. I think as you add more reds your curtains will be a nice accent.
WV: gandsu
An Indian item of clothing. Asian India, that is.
The curtains are way cute! I'm so impressed
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