Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I never did really post on what our fun Christmas gifts were, did I? Well, it's about time.

There was something for everyone... even the horse got a bag of grain and the cat got a new climbing toy. Our poor little budget got stretched this year!!!

Schprid's favorite toy was, of course, her new baby. She's also decided that she likes her new bedroom and goes to bed very easily now. But on top of that, she got a pink cowgirl hat, a new outfit, a puzzle, a see'n'say, some rolling animals (she loves anything that goes vroom!) and and psycho cat.

I love that cat. It's just a stuffed thing. She loved it too, when she first took it out of the box. Then we turned it on. It has a long, curvy tail, a voice box, and a motion sensor. Anytime it senses motion, it starts laughing hysterically and rolling over on the floor like something is freaking hilarious. It makes me laugh. It makes Hubby jump. It makes Schprid cry and stay away from the room where she can see the cat. Poor thing. I love it, though.

Hubby got some track lighting for the kitchen. He loves lights, and he had broken the last light that was up before we got to use it much. We got the lights put up just a couple days after Christmas, and we love them. The kitchen is now bright, and cheery, and well-illuminated. Joy! He also got some sweats, and an autobiography of Nelson Mandela, and games, and flashlights, and a couple of gift cards to Home Depot, plus some other odds and ends for working around the house. Sawsall blades, that sort of thing. He was happy.

I got shelves. That was my big present. Hubby got me some nice big shelves for the basement. He put them up on New Years, too. It's nice... it'll give us that much more organization room which translates to... more space! I got a dock for my ipod, too, which I absolutely love because it lets me have music in the kitchen. Woohoo! I got my purple cow (from crazy mother-in-law) in the form of a picture that is now hanging in my laundry room and makes me smile every time I see it. I got a couple more cutco knives from my family (love those things!) some cookie dough, a box of chocolates... it was a good Christmas.

I must say, though, the most touching present came from my daughter, who didn't even realize the importance or timing of what she was doing. The day after Christmas, she learned to say "Mommy."


I feel loved. I'm grateful for such a wonderful family. I love them all.

Okay, signing off now before this gets too gooey.

But I love you all, too.

Really, signing off now.

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