Monday, December 27, 2010

Keeping the Spirit Alive- Christmas Traditions

The Schedule:

7 AM: Opening Stockings (This cannot be done before 7 AM!)
7:30: Showers, getting dressed, getting ready for the day (Please wear something nice- we are celbrating our Savior's birthday, after all.)
9 AM: Breakfast (Usually it's pull-apart bread, eggs benedict, oranges, egg nog, and milk.)
10 AM: Clean up the breakfast dishes (The kitchen should be quite clean when we're done.)
10:30: Open presents (Youngest person starts, and their job is to hand out three presents that don't go to them. When those three are opened, the next youngest person goes, and so on up the line until all the presents have been distributed. This allows everyone to see what everyone else got. It also gives everyone the chance to feel the joy of giving twice-once for the presents they bought, and once again for the presents they're handing out. Also, soft Christmas music should be playing in the background.)
11:30: Clean up wrapping and boxes, insert batteries into new toys, read instruction manuals, assemble toys, and in general enjoy everybody's presents.
2:30: Begin cooking
4 PM: Sit down to the big meal (This year we had lamb curry, grilled zuccini, and Martinelli's. Martinelli's is always requisite for Christmas dinner. Dinner should be served on china if possible.)
5 PM: Roll away from the table (At this point, try to do dishes. At the very least, put the food away so it can be enjoyed for the next several days as well.)
7 PM: Wake up from the food-induced coma and start playing games. (Try to play new ones that were received for Christmas. If no new games were received, then go for old favorites. Games can last for as long as desired. At some point, dessert should be served to augment games.)
Evening: Collapse on the couch, listen to music or general ambiance, and stare at the Christmas tree, enjoying the bounty of life, the birth of Christ, the gathering of family, and the peace in your heart.

And at some point, watch these videos, because they're awesome:
Silent Monks
Digital Christmas


Lynn said...

I love the video. Too bad people are laughing!

WV: dismins--the minor after-holiday blues. A bit like the dismals but not as intense.

Chels said...

Isn't that so funny? You should watch the digital nativity, too. It's pretty good.