Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Feel

This Christmas will be our third together since getting married, but to me it feels like our first. The last two we spent with our families, which was tons of fun. This Christmas we're spending at home. Better yet, we have a home where we can spend Christmas.

Last weekend we decorated. We got ourselves a real tree, some lights, a few ornaments, and a gorgeous angel. We pulled out the other three boxes of Christmas decorations that we've been hauling around from apartment to apartment. We rearranged our furniture. We have plans to put up lights outside. Last night for Family Home Evening, we pulled out the brand new Nativity set that was my parents' birthday present to me and we taught Schprid about the baby Jesus.

The whole house is permeated with the scent of pine and the sense of peace and excitement. All of a sudden, this house in which we've been living and working and improving and infusing our own personalities feels like home. This is the place where the good things in life happen. This is the place where we come to rest from the business and busy-ness of the outside world. This is where we learn, where we grow, where we enjoy our lives and we enjoy each other. This is our home, and at last I have come to rest.


Lynn said...

I think it's wonderful that you are starting some Christmas traditions of your own. Grandparents are great, but there comes a time to be home with family and invite the grandparents to come if they would like.

And eventually you start having an extended family party on a day other than Christmas. We hit that last year, as Dom and Kevin both have growing families.

Merry Christmas!

WV: blensse
the essence of Christmas with blended families...Missy splits Christmas between parents; inlaws fight over who gets to have you over; (I avoided that whole scene by trying to be understanding! I'm such a good mom. :p) and it gets to be a zoo. But Christmas cheer reigns and it all works out.

Unknown said...

Decorating for Christmas DOES bring a nice feeling..I'm totally loving it!
