Saturday, October 23, 2010


Today was gorgeous. It rained, and rained, and rained. My Mom would have called it a "Day for the Ducks." I think it was a day for me.

We had pipes that needed to be fixed. Ryan went out early to dig the holes and replace sections of leaky pipe while I worked on breakfast and a put a chicken in the crockpot. At 9 am, I was feeling very productive. I set the table with bacon, eggs, english muffins, and sliced kiwi. I got Schprid up and dressed, then called Ryan in to eat. Outside was cold, and fresh, and alive. Inside was warm and cozy and smelled of good food. It felt good to work early in the morning.

The day continued on like that... I taught a riding lesson, and a good friend of mine came to spend the afternoon with us, and the day was filled with rain and laughter and conversation and noodles and vegetables and the smell of roasting chicken with garlic. And later, there were cinnamon rolls.

Days like these, when everything lines up and works out the way it should, are what give life depth and meaning. Life is always worth living. Love is always worth the effort. Family is always worth the work. It is days like today that show me why.

1 comment:

Kelty said...

Beautiful Chels, thanks for sharing.