Monday, June 27, 2011

Childhood Larks

Take a walk with me, down memory lane.  I have spent the last two days opening boxes from my childhood and reliving events that have been locked in an attic for ten years.  My parents brought the beginnings of my life to me, and I now get to share those with my children. 

There were the necklaces that I had for forever, with the brightly colored heart beads.  I never knew where I got them, and I almost never wore them, but they had been in my life for as long as I could remember.

There were the Japanese memorabilia that had been given to me by our exchange students when I was still in elementary school. 

There were the yearbooks that meant so little to me, except that my friends had signed them.

There were the trophies I had won for coloring, for 4-H, for tennis, and the multitude of ribbons that rewarded every try I made in my younger years.

There were Easter decorations, some that I had made, and some that had been made for me.  It will be wonderful to share those with my children.

There were my Chevron cars, which now decorate my kitchen and bring a bit of whimsical personality to an otherwise very serious room.

There were books.  Ah, the books.  I have spent hours upon hours in those books.  I have the Little House series, and the Ann of Green Gables series, and huge books of children's stories.  I got to introduce the Schprid to a pop-up version of The Little Engine That Could, tonight.  It was her very first pop-up book. 

It's funny how my past is now becoming my future, and my children's futures, and possibly their childrens' futures.  It's funny how, with my childhood treasures, this life I live has become more my own.  It's funny how practicality told me to throw away the things I was never going to use again, but that sentimentality made me keep the broken ceramic Easter chick that my Mom painted for me when I was six and the banner my parents made for the soccer team I was never really a part of.  It's funny that with a few dusty old boxes, I suddenly feel like I have more to offer and a wealth of experiences from which to draw.  It's funny how much silly little things mean to me and help to create the woman that I am.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Wow, did you mom clean out your room?

Unfortunately for me, I have lost a few of those memory boxes, but I will see something now and then that reminds me of one or the other, like at Girls' Camp when they had rolled paper beads like we did at Elementary School, and my mom actually wore...and got mega compliments on!

Today's WV fits your post: wawers! Like major WOW and I'm in AWE!

Love you, Aunt Lynn