Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Giving Birth, Epilogue

After Schprid was born, I heard so many times that she was an easy baby.  She was, really.  She didn't cry very much, and hardly ever fussed.  At the same time, she's always been better around other people than she's been with us.  We saw the fussing and crying that nobody else did.  Wooble, on the other hand, only ever cries when he is hungry or getting his diaper changed.  Oh, and when the doctors are trying to insert a catheter, which hopefully he'll never have to go through again.  Other people told me that Schprid was an easy baby.  I believe Wooble is an easy baby. 

At the same time, babies are babies, and we are sleep deprived and sporting spit-up stains.  We're dealing with typical parenting issues, and learning a few more tips and tricks.

Schprid, fortunately, completely loves her little brother.  I'm not sure if it's sunk in, yet, that I am his mommy, too, but she looks out for him, and goes with me to change his diaper, and seems completely fascinated with anything that has to do with baby.  It's great.  I think that in another week or two, she's going to be completely adjusted and won't even remember life without him.

A few details about our Wooble:
His nose is no longer smashed against his face, thank goodness, and he's grown into the cute baby stage.
That boy has a serious set of vocal chords, and he's not afraid to use them when he wants food.
Where Schprid was very feminine, Wooble is very masculine.  At this point, the only defining factor seems to be the eyelashes.  Schprid's are full and thick and stretch almost up to her eyebrows.  Wooble has 7 of them.  7 little lashes, peeking out from his eyelids.  Beyond that, they looked very much the same at this age.
He grunts!  That's his precursor to crying, and it's very manly and tough-sounding.
For being manly and tough, he loves to cuddle and be held.
We love him and are so glad to have him here with us. 

Also, we just got Netflix to try for a month.  Because of this, we've moved our computer out into the front room and hooked up our tv to be the computer's monitor.  It makes typing a little difficult.  That, combined with the fact that I'm about to fall over from exhaustion, may result in less bloggage for the next little while.  Just FYI.  Still love ya, though!


Unknown said...

Lol...I totally got addicted to blogging while Harry was in that newborn/feeding-frequently-during-the-day-stage. He'd eat and I'd blog! I love Netflix, though. The on-demand shows are awesome.


Holly said...

I'm so sorry for everything you had to go through for the first two weeks. That's so hard! I'm so glad he's home & that everyone is doing well now. Hang in there! (P.S. I loved reading all the chapters of your birth story...thanks for sharing it all with us!)

Jessie said...

Yay! Sounds like you are doing well! We have netflix too, and I absolutely love it! It has been a lifesaver the last two months!