Monday, March 28, 2011

Giving Birth, Chapter 5

It took a few minutes for the anesthesiologist to arrive.  To me, it felt like forever.  But, arrive he did, and then they asked me to sit up.

As soon as I did, the pain eased somewhat.  Again, if I'd been better able to think, I may have just asked if I could labor in that position for awhile, without the epidural.  At the same time, having already asked for an epidural, maybe I would have just gone through with it.  I hate being wishy-washy.

The anesthesiologist was, I believe, rather amiable.  He asked after Ryan's hand, and laughed when he heard that the bandage was precautionary.  He stuck a needle into my back to numb me before he put in the actual epidural.  It was a little bit of a shock, but didn't hurt too bad.  He was good enough to do things in between contractions.  I tried hard to sit still so that nothing would slip and accidentally paralyze me. 

I didn't know what was going on, really, when he actually did the epidural.  I do know, however, that he sprayed my entire back with an adhesive.  I think he placed a bandage or something over that to keep everything in place as I was delivering the baby.  That was a weird feeling. 

After that, things seemed to slowly calm down.  As the drugs took effect, the contractions eased in intensity until I was able to breathe normally, think calmly, and hold Hubby's hand without hurting him.  I carefully lay back down and a nurse checked me.  I didn't care what she found.  I could tell, though, that the contractions were such that I could push the baby out.  If I hadn't had the epidural, nothing would have been able to stop me from pushing at that point.  However, my doctor wasn't there, so I decided to wait.  That was also a weird feeling, knowing that the baby was right there and ready, but that I could choose to hold off for a little while.

When the doctor finally did show up, I heard the nurse tell her that I was "complete."  I'm assuming that meant I was finally at a 10.  I'm pretty sure the epidural helped me to get there, because I was able to relax.  That was nice.  The doctor asked how I was feeling, and I told her I felt good, and I was pretty sure it was time.  She and a nurse helped me get my legs up in the stirrups, and she told me she could see his head.  Crazy.

The birth itself was a little anticlimactic, for me.  Granted, the pushing itself was rougher than I was expecting, just because I hadn't felt the conctractions up until that point.  Still, it went smoothly, and I didn't even tear.  Can't tell you how nice that was. 

For Wooble, it was a little more traumatic.  He tried to come out face-up.  When his head was halfway out, he decided that wasn't a good idea and he turned over to come out the right way.  That bruised up his face quite a bit and contributed to some jaundice later on, but otherwise the whole thing went pretty well for him.  He didn't think so, though.  He came out crying louder than Schprid cried in her first 3 months of life.  I got to hold him, briefly.  I remember thinking that his nose was squished very flat against his face, and that he was darker than any of our children had a right to be.  He looked like a little Indian baby!  All in all, while I loved him dearly, he was a little funny-lookin'. 

After that, it was all about recovering.  Wooble got taken to the nursery to monitor some wheezing when he breathed.  After a couple hours, I got wheeled into a recovery room.  It was four hours before I got to see him again.


Maria said...

Oh congratulations! I am glad everything went okay. I hope being a mommy of two is just a joyous as it was with one (if not more!)

Chels said...

Heehee. It's fun, busy, and sleep-deprived, so far! Thanks for the congrats!

Unknown said...

Wow...congratulations again! I was really nervous about epidural complications with my second delivery too. Did you have one the first time? I'm so glad you are all home and happy and working on adjusting...good luck on that sleep thing!


Lynn said...

I thought the "little Indian baby" was a Basinger family trait--but maybe it comes from the Libby/Day side somewhere too.

When Kevin was born my mom thought I had a Mexican baby and had to go back out to the Nursery to check! They do lighten up--in fact, K has lighter skin than a couple of his brothers now.

WV: ststily--this isn't even a word I can read phonetically and make something up! St. Stily...the patron Saint of childbirth...getting the baby over the fence and into life maybe?

Chels said...

Carla- I didn't have an epidural with my first, and I've grown up with the mindset/teaching that it's absolutely best to do everything naturally and that drugs are the devil. Given recent experiences, I'd have to say I don't agree with that, and that the epidural saved my body a lot of stress!

Aunt Lynn- It's possible the dark skin is on the Libby side, but it's possible Wooble's actually comes from the Roberts... somewhere. I know Hubby's sister had dark skin when she was born.

Jessie said...

It's so hard when they have to be taken away from you so long! Not fair! But I'm glad things are all well now!