Monday, March 30, 2009

Death Week and a New Computer

Two weeks ago, my car died.  It was very strange.  There I was, trying to come back home from the one class that I had dragged myself out of bed at 7 AM for just to wait for a teacher who never showed up, and when I stuck the key in the ignition, it wouldn't start.  We had to pay to get it towed, then wait 3 days for them to finally figure out what was wrong with it.  Apparently, something had gone wrong with the computer inside it, and the thing had to be re-programmed.  Very silly.  But that was two weeks ago.  This post is actually about last week.  The car dying does set the stage nicely, though.

Sunday comes, and I think, "Huh.  I might be getting sick."  I make mental plans to eat healthy and take it easy until the cold goes away.  We went to Church, where things just kept getting worse.  Halfway through Sacrament Meeting, I was sick.  I asked Ryan if we could go home.  He was so good, and we left without questions or hassle.  It was a good thing, too, because 10 minutes after we got home, I (this is going to get graphic.  I apologize profusely!) yes... I threw up.  Just once.  We think it was food poisoning that started it off.  But it got worse from there.  We didn't have a thermometer, but I'm fairly certain that over the next few days I had a fever, plus the coughing, sore throat, grogginess, and sore muscles.  It didn't help that the weather turned cold, which exacerbated those symptoms.  Plus, with the pregnancy, I don't have my normal amount of energy anyway.  It was... not fun.  In Ryan's words, "It hits like a freight train!"

On Monday, we found out that Ryan did not get accepted to OSU.  It was disappointing, but at the same time liberating.  We know at least one direction in which our lives are not heading right now.  And, heck, we could go anywhere in the world right now!  Fun times.

On Tuesday our computer died.  Instead of spending $300 to fix it, we decided instead to buy ourselves a new computer- something we'd wanted to do this year anyway- and wipe the old computer completely clean and start over.  The computer we wanted, of course, was not in stock and our names were put on a list as some of the first to get one when they came in.

Wednesday was death day.  I had a bunch of homework due, and no computer to do it on.  I not only had to shower and make myself look presentable, I also had to spend several hours on campus working on homework, getting it turned in, and trying to figure out the computer issue.

Thursday, our TV died.  We don't actually watch tv, so for the most part this was acceptable.  However, when one is sick, there is little the mind or body are capable of, and so we watch movies.  Until Thursday.  

Friday, Ryan got sick.  Poor guy.  I know exactly what he's going through, but he's so tough.  He keeps telling me he's okay, and even though this thing hits like a freight train, he still gets up and goes to classes and stuff.  He's amazing.  But he coughs, and it tears my heart out.

By Saturday, I was feeling better enough to finish some of the homework I'd dropped over the week, and also to teach a riding lesson, so that was good.  

Blessings:  We got our computer today!  It's a shiny new macMini, and I'm totally in love.  :)  (Poor Ryan's reading this right now, and totally jealous of the computer.  Heehee.  Don't worry, Love.  I'll always love you more!)  

Baby's still doing well.  She kicks and rolls around and keeps getting bigger.  

We still have my old mac laptop (by old I mean 7 years!) and we can watch DVDs on that, so we're good until Ryan gets better!

And so, that is life right now.  The semester is almost over, big projects are almost due, we're stressing right now but see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Adri said...

Oh, man!! I'm sorry about all that. Is the car all better? Let me know if there is anything I can do . . . I'm glad you're getting better and that your baby is moving and growing!

Holly said...

Sounds like an eventful couple of days! I'm sorry you've been sick and that things keeping dying on you! Is your car fixed? Do you need rides or anything? Congrats on the new computer--that's always fun! :)

Chels said...

Oh, I have good visiting teachers! You girls are awesome! Yeah, the car's fine for now. I'm mostly better, and Ryan's going to get through this just fine. And yeah, the baby's good and the computer's tons of fun. :)