Monday, November 2, 2009

That Could Be Me

Do you do this? Every time I see something I think is cool, I think, "I could do that." And there is so much I want to do.

I want to start a business.

I want to train horses.

I want to ride those horses up into the mountains where I would go hunting with a camera.

I want to build fences.

I want to write books.

I want to ride my bicycle for miles and miles in well-fitted exercise clothes while the miles get counted and each one means money donated to a cause by the people who pledged for me.

I want to be part of a rec therapy program that helps teenagers discover who they are and what life is about.

I want to run a ranch that donates two months of every year to battered women and children.

I want to be the kind of person from whom creativity naturally flows, unhampered by societal fears.

I want to create a manual for new adults just beginning to figure out what life is about.

I want to travel through my own country, and have stories to tell about my life's adventures.

I want to be the kind of person who recognizes when such stories are in the making and enjoys the unfolding of them.

I want to go to third-world countries and distribute micro-loans.

I want to be a grandmotherly sort of person who always has a plate of cookies and a smile for anyone who needs a friendly ear.

I want to give, and do, and be... and my biggest question is how? quickly followed by when? and really?


Lynn said...

"I want to create a manual for new adults just beginning to figure out what life is about."

You're still one of those. Wait. so am I!

I bet there are some fences to build on the ranch!

It's nice to have dreams and goals, isn't it? I share some of yours, but I could pass on the fences and horses for sure!

Chels said...

That's the point... I need a manual like that, and how neat would it be if somebody were to put something like that together! Even a website would be cool... you could do things about easy recipes, how to save/invest money, what to look for when buying or renting a home, even what to look for when checking out colleges or applying for jobs. It would be just a cool go-to resource for everything that gets built as I experience these things. Trouble is, when I get old enough to have accumulated enough experience to make it worthwhile, I'm afraid much of my advice will be out of date!

As for the fences... I want the sense of accomplishment that comes from planning and finishing a physical project like that. Somehow, building fences is how that got stuck in my head. And horses? Well, they're just a really fun way to exercise and learn.

Anonymous said...

Dear Chelsea.
I want you to know that this post is a basically a written embodiment of why I love you so much...seriously Chelsea- you are basically my hero all the time. If you didn’t know already, you are the most inspiring person I know, and… I just love you to death! And, I love your blog. Even though it wasn't on your list, please be a blogger for the rest of my life.
Love, Rachel

Tiger said...

It sounds to me like you need to start a ranch dedicated to troubled youth. It would meet several of your goals:
1. You’d be starting a business
2. You’d be training horses
3. There’d be plenty of opportunity for fence building and other manual labor accomplishments
4. You’d have horses to ride in the mountains in your free time with a camera
5. You’d be helping teenagers discover who they are and what life is all about
6. Those teens that are figuring life out could be a valuable resource in putting together a manual for young adults
7. You could still donate two months of the year to battered mothers and children
8. There’d be plenty of opportunity to allow your natural creativity flow… although I’m not sure you’d be free of social pressure ;)
9. You’d definitely have opportunities to provide platefuls of cookies and a listening ear when you are surrounded by struggling teens
10. You would be serving and giving

There you go. You need to start a ranch. Good luck on doing that! If I were living near it, I’d totally help out. One of Stew’s aunts did a ranch type place where she took in abused teens and did therapeutic recreation with them on her ranch/farm. I got to visit the place in Birds Eye, UT. It was pretty cool. They have since moved and downsized a little I think, but I think they’re still doing it. I love that you are so pure in heart and have such great goals. I wish you the best of luck on achieving all of them. I miss you girl!