Monday, August 3, 2009

Sadly legitimate

Just to clarify and ease some concerns... We had a contract through April, but after that we went on a month-to-month contract, in which it stipulates that either we or the landlord could give 30 days' notice to terminate.

Also- Ryan put some new caulking on the bathtub, and it seems to have fixed the problem. They'll still want to go in and redo everything, because the wall and the floor have gotten quite rotten, but it's fun to say that Ryan was right and the owners were wrong. :) Is that bad? Probably.


Lynn said...

Ah no, so satisfying to be right! We lived on that month-to-month thing for 20 months! It was awesome and worked in our favor when we were ready to move, but it sounds like you didn't benefit from it.

Anyway, our offer stands. It's a bit of a commute, especially for BYU, but some classes may be available at BYU Salt Lake. It might work for the short-term for you.

Kelty said...

Oh Chels! I'm so sorry to hear that! (not that Ryan was RIGHT, but that the landlords aren't being more thoughtful about this, to say the least!) Gosh, I wish I were there to help. Actually, I'll be there starting on the 13th of this month, can I come help pack? Or anything?