Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I discovered, today, that my doctor is really not very good at communicating. Ryan called him an airhead. I would look for a new doctor, but because I'm on BYU insurance, my options were limited to begin with, and I'm pretty sure this guy was the only one open before June. Besides, he's not terrible... just needs some work with communication.

Regardless, here's the deal for today: We went in, expecting to have an ultrasound. That did not happen. He said that we do that at 20 weeks. (Technically, I'm still at 19.) I told him that last time I was in to see him, he told me we would do an ultrasound at this visit. He reiterated that we don't do one until 20 weeks. (All of which did not lessen my confusion... or frustration.) Anyway, he finally told me that we will schedule an ultrasound for next week. We did that, and are now eagerly anticipating Tuesday the 10th for discovering the gender of our baby. Ah, bittersweet anticipation! My deepest apologies to all those who have guessed and were expecting the results today. Let me assure you, my disappointment is at least as deep as yours. :)

On a high note, we did get to hear the baby's heartbeat, again. Apparently that's still looking good, which is encouraging. I also seem to be healthy, though I need to drink more water. And, Ryan bought me a milkshake to go with my lunch. It was wonderful.

1 comment:

Adri said...

well at least I still have time to guess, but I'm really sorry. How disappointing! I guess boy.