Monday, October 5, 2009

Taking Turns

Dating with a baby is hard. We knew this would be the case when we decided to have one. It hasn't been a huge problem because, quite frankly, we both feel like we're on a date just by being together. However, we've decided to try to be better about doing official dates. With Cara's eating and sleeping schedule, and the fact that we don't have money to hire a babysitter, we're starting small. On Friday night, we decided to make a homemade pizza and watch a movie. It was good plan- allowing us to stay home and keep an eye on Cara and also to have our official date. If luck was with us, Cara would be quiet and content or even sleep through it all.

Luck wasn't with us so much that night. Cara decided that it was a great time to be all sorts of fussy. And so we took turns... one of us would hold her and entertain her while the other would be in the kitchen working on the pizza. We joked that whoever was in the kitchen was on the date, while the other was babysitting. Technically we were together. Technically, we both went on a date. The fact that we were on the date at different times... well, we're still working out the kinks. Fortunately, I fed Cara and we put her to bed in our room and were able to watch the movie mostly uninterrupted. Gotta love life.


Lynn said...

Sounds like baby sensed the change and wanted to be the center of attention!

Hang in there, she'll get used to it and benefit from seeing your togetherness with Ryan.

Holly said...

I remember trying to do those kinds of dates. Good for you for making the effort! Don't worry--it gets better. Hopefully soon she'll start going to bed earlier, and you can do the whole at-home date after she's asleep, giving you actual time alone together. And then at some wonderful future date, you'll save up your money and stress about finding a babysitter, and then you'll actually go OUT on a real date...and you'll just think and talk about Cara the whole time! :) You gotta love being a mom. (P.S. Thanks for the nice comment on my post today.)