Monday, April 2, 2012

Little Girl Awesomeness

Me:  Where are you?
Schprid:  I in the floor!
Me:  You're in the floor?
Schprid: No, I up here!
Me, thinking about all the things she could be getting into or falling off of "up here": Should I be nervous?
Schprid:  Yeah!

Yesterday, we were at Grammy and O's house, which is the receptacle of all the fun toys ever invented.  As Schprid was playing on the slide, I tossed a nerf football from two feet away, which hit her on the side of her face.  We all laughed about it.  A few minutes later, she posed for the shot and requested, "Mommy, you throw the ball and hit my face?"  We all laughed again, this time harder.  Apparently, though, Mommy's laughing looks painful, because the Schprid came over, gave me a big hug, and asked, "Mommy, you okay?"  This landed me on the floor, laughing still harder, at which point she admonished, "Mommy, you calm down!"

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Hahaha! I love her!